Domain Registration
Do you want to do business? If yes, you need to start is in two ways.
- Physically and
- Virtually
Along with the business registration you have to ensure domain registration for your business. It will provide a tremendous extra facility in your business.
Easy. Now a day business does not only belong to the real market, it is a part of and parcel of the virtual world also. You need to establish a virtual entity on this World Wide Web! In some cases, this is the first priority indeed! To ensure your strong virtual existence, you need to develop a website and in order to do that domain registration is required. As a Domain service provider, we can do it for your hassle free way. We are not the largest domain name provide in Bangladesh but we are trying to be one of the best. That is why we ensure our quality, quick & after-sales services. If you compare our service with Godaddy, Namecheap, Namesilo, or other domain registration services, we are just right after them! Of course, you can go with them but who wants to suffer hassle for online payment, maintenance and so on. We do believe, you are busy and your time has value, so minimize your involvement in this service procedure, invest your time in more profitable tasks and maximize your outcomes!
Let us take your business in a new dimension!
Lets look at some of the free facilities you will get by registering a domain.
Free Whois Privacy Forevers
Parking (You earn 100%!)
Email Forwarding
Domain Defender Protection
DNS Management Tools
Custom WHOIS Records
Domain Forwarding
Portfolio Management
Registry Lock
Sub-Account Tools
Domain Price
Domain Price Per Year
.comBDT 1500
.com.bdBDT 2500
.netBDT 1299
.appBDT 2000
.orgBDT 1500
Tell us what your choice is !
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